Do You Have A Story To Share With Others?

We want to hear it!

If you are a former teacher who left the classroom, we want to hear your story. Please fill out the information below and we will be in touch further to post your story to help other teachers who are currently in the shoes that you once were in.

Share Your Story

What is the best email for us to contact you?
If we have questions, what is the best way for us to contact you?
What grade level and subject did you teach?
Please share how you got into teaching, what you liked/disliked, and what made you decide to leave the classroom.
If any, what steps did you take to plan and leave the classroom and how did you come to making the final decision to do so?
So, how did it feel to leave? What are you doing now? How did you get into what you are doing now? Did you continue education, get training or a cert, know someone, etc?
What advice would you recommend to current teachers who want to leave the classroom?
If you would like to share your LinkedIn, Twitter, email, etc. please do so and we will include this information for other teachers to reach you. If you do not want to leave any information, please say so.